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- Jesus Our Passover Lamb
Jesus Our Passover Lamb
Jesus is the perfect sacrificial Lamb of the Passover. He is the Vine and we are His branches. He is the new wineskin and He is pouring out His new wine. He is forming a new wineskin in this hour. His church will never look the same. He is doing a new thing. Be yielded, abiding and connected to Him in order to flow with the wave of His Spirit. His blood is the cup of the new covenant that washes and cleanses us. The Father is speaking through the blood of Jesus in this hour. Though we are living in uncertain times, the one thing that will never change is the POWER of the BLOOD. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His blood is still speaking a BETTER word. Jesus, our Passover Lamb is our Protector and our Keeper. He is instructing His Body to partake in the Lord’s supper daily in this Passover season. The BLOOD is speaking and demolishing every stronghold of sickness, fear, and lack. His BLOOD binds us to His everlasting covenant. Rest in the covenant of Peace (Shalom-Nothing missing; nothing broken). The blood over the doorpost is shaped in the Hebrew letter TAV. Tav means “Truth”. Let truth be your compass in this hour. The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. Jesus has come to bring abundant LIFE. Jesus is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE. Yeshua, our Messiah, our sacrificial Lamb.